
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

I can’t believe it’s been a month since my last Sunday Post. Life has just been so busy that I couldn’t find the time to make a Sunday Post, or any other post for that matter. The days and weeks have flown by and a lot is going on. But I’m determined to get my blogging life up and running again.

So.. since I started working after my maternity leave had ended in June I found myself struggling with finding a balance between mom life and my work as a nurse. Unfortunately the only conclusion I could make in the end was that I can’t keep working where I work now. Working sometimes five days a week, with two little kids and no options of family helping out has been very hard. So these last few weeks I haven’t only been working, but I’ve also been on a job hunt. I don’t have anything new yet, but I did have a few job interviews that look promising and of which I have more interviews in the upcoming weeks. As someone who isn’t very good with change.. this has been a stressful few weeks and I sure do hope I find something new, with regular days soon.

But I did manage to get some reading done these last few weeks. I’ve been trying to just read for fun, so I had to push some things back.. but I definitely have been needing to just ‘relax’ with a nice romance novel at night.

The kids have been doing great thankfully. Our little girl has turned three, and has been getting so wise. She has been talking like crazy, and keeps telling me she will be going to school next year. LOL!! Our baby boy is already six months old and has been sick for the first time. But even sick he always seems to keep on smiling. What a blessing being these kids mom has been!

So.. How have you guys been doing? What have you been reading? Tell me, what did I miss?


  • Release Blitz ‘Chasing Serenity’ by Kristen Ashley
  • Release Blitz ‘Hard To Love’ by K. Bromberg
  • Review ‘All Night With A Cowboy’ by Caitlin Crews

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