
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

This week we finally got the confirmation that our house is sold! It’s such a relief and we are both really happy with the price we got. Although we were hoping to sell our home fast, this also means we have to move in three weeks. Yes, three weeks! It was one of the things that made our house attractive for potential buyers, according to our realtor. Since we don’t have a new place of our own yet, my mother in law is kind enough to let us stay with her for as long as needed. She lives alone in a big house, and there are four rooms upstairs that aren’t really used at the moment. She has a garden, something we didn’t have for the last ten years.  And since it’s almost summer, having access to a garden with a baby girl isn’t bad at all. In the meantime we keep looking for a new home. Hopefully we will only have to stay with my mother in law till august, but we will have to see. We are thankful for this solution in the meantime.

So the next view weeks will be busy packing everything up and moving into storage and to my mother in law in a town a view minutes from here. We plan on having everything moved before May 18th. Let the games begin!

My blogging problems have resolved. Not really sure what is was.. but I got the mozilla browser and now everything is working perfectly. I was going crazy so I’m so glad!!

Next to celebrating the sell, this week has been filled with spending time with my husband and baby girl, catching up on my blogging and reading. I had one DNF this week. Which is unusual for me, but I just didn’t like the book and couldn’t keep my mind to it. And with everything that is going on I decided to not waste time reading something I don’t like. I’m pretty proud of that! 😀

Yesterday, Saturday was Kingsday here in the Netherlands. A national holiday were we celebrate the King’s birthday. There are always a lot of celebrations across the country. And almost every city has a little market, and music stands etc. I always love this holiday! A lot of people are dressed in orange, and it’s just a fun day. This year was the first time with our baby girl. And although we didn’t do a lot this year, since it was so cold and rainy, we did have a fun day.

I hope you guys are doing well!

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  • Cover Reveal ‘Undeniable’ by Melanie Harlow
