
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic:

Every year I share my Favorite reads post. So when I saw that the first topic of Top Ten Tuesday in 2023 was ‘Favorite books of 2022’, I thought it was the perfect day to share this years favorites. Just like every year, it was very hard to pick only ten books. I have read so many great ones, but in the end I was able to pick ten. Not because I only had ten favorites, but because I sometimes just choose the latest book in a series to make it easier. So now.. without further ado, in no particular order.. here are my favorite reads of 2022.

( If you press on the book cover you’ll go to my review for more info about the book).

Be brave. Just for sixty seconds. Twenty breaths.

One night changed them both forever.

Tyler Grace was many things.
A myth. An outcast. A hero.
My prince.

One office. Two enemies. And a secret he CANNOT find out…

It was the friends-with-benefits proposition he never saw coming…

A teenage girl with my eyes and a familiar glare, strolls into my life and she’s calling me Dad. 

He fights fires for a living, but the flames building between us may be too big to extinguish.

All the best love stories are tragic. Ours is no different.

You’ve heard the story about the wedding planner who falls for the groom?
Well, this is the one where she falls for his father.
And that groom? He’s my ex.

I know better than to get involved with celebrities. Especially a Rock God like Sebastian Kane.

A man who knows how to make the ladies scream, as evidenced by the leak of his recent sex tape.

The rules were simple. Keep my hands off his daughter and stay out of trouble.

But now I’m stuck with her. There’s only one bed. And well, rules are made to be broken.

Have you read any of these books?

What was your favorite read of 2022?