
I’ve been wanting to join Top Ten Tuesday for a long time now. But somehow it just never happened. Well.. I finally thought it was time to just jump right in. And I’m so excited to share my first Top Ten Tuesday with you guys. For those who don’t know.. Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic:

Favorite Places to Read

To be completely honest with you, I found it definitely challenging to find ten of my favorite places to read. So I ended up with only six.. but they are pretty awesome if I do say so myself.

Corfu, Greece

Back in 2012, my husband and I visited Corfu, Greece. We spend ten days in this amazing apartment looking out over the mountains and it this perfect reading spot. So perfect I ended up making a photo and using the photo for my blog ever since. I still think about this spot a lot to be honest. I was completely and utterly content and happy when this photo was made. And I read a lot during that vacation. Not to mention we had a great time getting to know the Island. We definitely hope to visit their again soon.

The Living Room

The place I read the most is definitely our couch in the living room. In the evening I usually read there while my husband watches a movie, or is playing the PSP. I love being near him, but still doing my own thing. And it’s pretty comfy too.

My Little Library

I’ve always had a dream of having my very own little library. Since moving to this house two years ago, I finally have it. And I have the perfect reading spot right there.


Whatever happens, or how tired I am, I always read in bed before we go to sleep. Somedays it’s the only reading time I got and I love it. It’s my way of relaxing after a busy mom day. And it’s comfy too. And yes I do fall asleep at times while reading in bed. My husband is used to taking my classes off and putting my book aside. LOL!!


During our honeymoon in 2017, we had this gorgeous little house. It was literally a dream. We had a gigantic luxurious bathroom and our very own private pool. And it was perfect for reading.


In 2014 we went on to an Eco Resort in Mexico. It was our longest flight to date, and it was amazing. We did an all inclusive so we had drinks (lots and lots of cocktails) and food whenever we wanted. We stayed on this lounge bed near the water a lot and it was perfect for reading. We hope to be able to take our kids there one day.

What are some of your favorite places to read?