
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic:

Today topic is ‘Bookish People I’d Like To Meet’ (authors, book characters, book bloggers/influencers, cover designers, cover models, etc.). When I first saw this weeks topic, I was really excited. Immediately so many different people came to mind when I read this. It was honestly hard to pick just ten. But here we go.

Every Character from Harry Potter (The good ones only obviously)

I’ve been a huge Harry Potter fan for as long as the books have been out. And I just love everything about that world. Sure there are bad things.. but overall I just love that world. And I would love to meet the characters.

Samantha Young

Elsie Silver

Catherine Cowles

Carrie Elks

Laura Pavlov

These are a few of my favorite authors and I would love to meet them one day and get some of my books by them signed. These are definitely authors which books I automatically buy only because their names are on the cover. And overall they seem to be just very kind woman.

Hawke a.k.a. Casteel

Hawke is a character from the From Blood and Ash series. And although he definitely isn’t necessarily a ‘good’ person, I just love him. From the moment I started reading this book I was hooked to these characters and Hawke’s character is one I still think about at times. But I think it would be best for me to meet him while I’m sitting behind a corner so he can’t see me. LOL!

Robyn Penhaligon 

Robyn is the main character in ‘Here With Me’ by Samantha Young. This is one of my favorite books and I just love Robyn so much. She is a hardworking, tough and kind woman but above all very damn brave. And I loved reading about her. And honestly I wish I was a bit more like her.


Have you read the Rain Trilogy by B.B. Easton? This a great Dystopian series about Rain a 19 year old girl who is just a total badass. I read this series three years ago but somehow Rain was one of the first characters I thought about when I saw this topic.

Fellow Book Lovers

Over the years I’ve met a lot of people here on Maureen’s Books, and on Bookstagram. And I honestly would love to meet all of you. Life can be pretty lonely at times, yes even as a mom, and I would love to meet more people who love books as much as I do. I probably would be scared as hell to actually meet them when the time comes, but a girl can dream right?! I also would love to do a montly book club with some people in real life. But since I read only in English, but life here in the Netherlands, this isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Which Bookish People Would You Love To Meet?