
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic:

For today’s Top Ten Tuesday we are sharing a non-book topic. And since I haven’t shared anything not book related in a while I thought it would be fun for me to join today. It took me a while to really find the perfect subject for today.. but in the end I figured it out. Since I love watching movies, I thought it would be fun to share my Top Ten Favorite Movies.


Can you spot a trend? LOL!! Yes.. I’m a sucker for romance. I love reading romance novels and I love watching romantic movies. They are my absolute guilty pleasure. And although these are some of my favorites, I have many more movies I love. Something that not a lot of people know is that my all time favorite movie is Titanic. I’ve watched that movie so many times I have memorized a lot of the scenes and could probably replace Kate Winslet. With the only problem being that I can’t act. LOL!! And I can still cry in the end. Ow.. and I think Jack not getting on that door is the most romantic thing ever and they would have totally gone over if they both went on there! 😀

My next favorite movie is Notting Hill. I’ve seen that movie probably almost as many times as the Titanic. And this December I even went to visit the ‘blue door’ in London. (And no, it is nothing like in the movie! :D)

What is your favorite movie?