
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

And yet another week of #Corona social distancing is over. And with that our last week of the vacation. It’s back to work again on Monday. But till then, I’m going to enjoy the weekend with my husband and our sweet little girl.

I only left our home this week on two occasions, and those where only to get groceries. And I’m so happy that we have a garden now, and that the weather was beautiful. So even though we had to stay at home, we were able to go outside. And especially our little girl loved it. Playing with the sand, helping daddy in the garden. It was just so cute to watch. Even for a little while I could forget about everything that has been going on.

I spend a lot of time reading in the garden this week when our little girl was taking her nap, and at night while my husband watched a ‘guy’ movie ( everything with a lot of blood and brutal stuff I mean) or played on the PlayStation. We also had one movie night together. We watched ‘Angel Has Fallen’, which was the perfect compromise of his kind of movie and mine. Action for him, and a handsome guy for me. LOL!.

And now our vacation has almost come to an end. Since I’m a nurse, and my husband’s job doesn’t have an option for staying home just yet, it was a little tricky if I was able to have someone to take care of our little girl. Luckily, out sitter for Monday is able to look after her, and the daycare where she goes on Wednesday’s as well.. as long as she doesn’t have a cold or something else. Keep your fingers crossed! Our girl is 18 months old and has had a cold almost constantly. So far so good though. But it still feels a little strange.. I wish I could keep her close to me all the time! Especially in this time.

I hope all of you are safe and staying home as much as possible.

  • Review ‘Highland Sword’ by May McGoldrick
  • Blog Tour ‘The Redemption’ by Nikki Sloan
  • Review ‘Come Back For Me’ by Corinne Michaels

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