
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It’s a chance to share news ~ A Post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

This week
my husband and I both had a week off from work. And it flew by as usual. We had
a great week, just relaxing and hanging out at our home. It was just perfect!

On Monday
we went to sort out a big storage unit filled with books. A friend of ours
asked us if we were able to help him sort through hundreds of boxes with books from
an old friend of him who was kind of a hoarder. Since we had the week off we
decided it would be fun and we spend the whole Monday, and Tuesday morning
sorting through those books. There were a lot of books. Most of them were
really old paperbacks of war stories, and a lot of them were only good for the
trash unfortunately. A lot of mold, and dust. But there were also some very
nice history books, atlases and art books. We are trying to sell them now. Even
though I didn’t really find any books for me, which is probably a good thing,
it was really fun to look through all those books.

afternoon we went to the zoo with our little nephew and brother and sister in
law. We had a great time. The weather was pretty good, and since it was a
Tuesday there weren’t too much people. In the end we bought our nephew a gift
and it was just so cute to see how happy he was with it. 

The rest
of the week was spend relaxing at home. On Thursday I got this amazing gift
from my husband. A Harry Potter POP summer convention exclusive!! So sweet! We
saw that one when we were shopping a little while back, but I didn’t buy it
because I thought it was too expensive. But when we got home we found out it
was pretty cheap since we couldn’t find it anywhere else for that prize. But
since the place we saw it wasn’t close by, I kind of gave up on it. Well.. apparently
my husband felt bad for me and decided to email the guy in the store and he
send it to us. So sweet!! And I just love it sooooo much!!

Saturday we are spending the day in Amsterdam with my mom and her boyfriend. 
Books & Blogging: 

Blogging wise
I spend this week preparing some posts for the upcoming weeks. I signed up for
the Blog Ahead challenge that starts this October. Hopefully I’m able to get
some posts ready for when the holiday months starts. I can’t believe Christmas
is only four months away!
definitely got some great reading time in this week! I wish I could read this
much every week. Sigh..

Last Week on the Blog:

This Week on the Blog:

  • Things You Didn’t Know About My Bookish Life #2
  • Review ‘Deal Breaker’ by Marnie St. Clair
  • My Favorite.. Bookmark
  • Review ‘The Lying Game’ by Ruth Ware

New Arrivals:

Received from the author
Received by Escape Publishing

Random Pic: