
My Favorite.. is a weekly meme hosted by Maureen’s Books. In this meme we share every week something we love with each other. Because let’s face it.. The world can be a dark place and it’s time to share something positive. For more info: My Favorite Meme.

Since I’m
a nurse I work different shifts every week. Not a week is the same, so I
sometimes have more time during the day, and sometimes during the evening. Because
of that the time I’ll use to blog changes. I blog whenever I’m able to.
Sometimes it’s very early in the morning, sometimes after work and sometimes
even late at night, when I really should be sleeping. I definitely don’t get to
choose when I’m able to blog. 
But I
definitely have a favorite time to blog. And it’s in the morning while eating
my breakfast, or right after eating my breakfast. Somehow I seem to be the most
productive during that time of day. In the evenings I just like to sit and
read, with my husband sitting next to me. I do blog during the evening at times
off course. But I just prefer to be with my husband during that part of the
in the mornings just makes me feel happy. I get to read my emails, I’ll see
what my blogging friends have been doing. And I just feel like I’m able to so
much more blogging. I also seem to have more ideas in the morning. While at
night I just like to sit, read and relax. 

do you have a favorite time to blog? What is your favorite?

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