
My Favorite.. is a weekly meme hosted by Maureen’s Books. In this meme we share every week something we love with each other. Because let’s face it.. The world can be a dark place and it’s time to share something positive. For more info: My Favorite Meme.

When I was
a little girl I went on vacation with my family to Switzerland. In the Winter,
in the Summer.. Every single vacation would be spend in the Swiss alps. I grew
up doing hikes through the Swiss mountains, doing sleigh rides and walking
through the snow. I loved it! And I still feel like Switzerland is my second
home. (I got engaged there this year so yes Swiss is a big thing for me!) So
when I think of Winter, I think of Winter in Switzerland. And my favorite thing
about Winter is definitely snow!
I love
snow. I love how beautiful the world looks covered in snow. I love how cold it
is and how it forces you to dress warm in beautiful and cute sweaters. I love
skiing. Snow just is amazing to me, magical. Here in the Netherlands we don’t get
a lot of snow. And without snow, it just doesn’t feel like real Winter to me. I
haven’t been to Switzerland in the Winter for many many years, but I can still
see it when I close my eyes. 
One day I
hope to go back to Switzerland in Winter time. There’s not even a word for how
magical everything looks covered in snow. And not get all Lorelai Gilmore on
you guys, I definitely think it smells great outside when it’s snowing. It can
also be all that wood burning in the chimneys.. but still.
great thing about Winter is snuggling up on the couch with my boyfriend, our
cat and a blanket and reading a nice book. It’s the ultimate Winter feeling and
I always look forward to evenings like this. Surrounded by candle light. Sigh..
I enjoy Summer but I’m more of a Winter person I guess.
you enjoy Winter? What is your favorite thing about Winter?

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