
My Favorite.. is a weekly meme hosted by Maureen’s Books. In this meme we share every week something we love with each other. Because let’s face it.. The world can be a dark place and it’s time to share something positive. For more info: My Favorite Meme.

There are
many beautiful book covers out there. A book cover is the thing most people see
first, and which makes most people pick up a particular book. Although I’d love
to say I pick up books even though I don’t like the cover, I’m definitely a
book cover groupie. I love book covers and I definitely pick up some books much
faster because they have a great cover. But which book cover is my favorite?
that’s a hard one to pick. There are so many amazing looking covers. But one
book cover has stayed with me for a long time. The cover of ‘Twilight’ by
Stephenie Meyer. I just love that cover. The black cover, the hands and the
apple. There’s just something mysterious and magical about that cover and I
still love looking at that one. The simplicity is what I like most about it I
Since the
Twilight saga is one of my favorite book series I own several versions of the
books. But the first one I own is still my most favorite one. I love rereading
those books, and although I definitely enjoyed the movies, those books are so
much better. I’ve read the books several times and I still remember feeling
completely fascinated by the story and the characters. I even had a song I
listened to on repeat in my room while reading. (Yiruma – River Flows In You)

book cover is your favorite? Do you still look at it sometimes?

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