
My Favorite.. is a weekly meme hosted by Maureen’s Books. In this meme we share every week something we love with each other. Because let’s face it.. The world can be a dark place and it’s time to share something positive. For more info: My Favorite Meme.

As a
reader and a book blogger I love collecting bookmarks. Not that I have so many,
and I  don’t go looking for bookmarks on
the internet. But when I’m in a new bookstore, or a museum I love to buy myself
a little souvenir in the form of a bookmark. I almost never use them, but I
keep them in this box. And every once in a while I love to look through that
box and remember all those places I visited.
But just like with everything else I do have a favorite bookmark. Well, to be honest five favorite
bookmarks. And I haven’t got them that long. But my favorite bookmarks are these
gorgeous and awesome bookmarks from Harry Potter. I bought them a little while
ago when I was visiting a new city with my husband. These were in this
beautiful Disney and Movie store that was moving and they were 25% off. So… I
had to buy them off course. And boy do I love looking at them. I haven’t used them, and probably won’t use them.. but looking at them sure is fun!

is your favorite bookmark and why?

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