
My Favorite.. is a weekly meme hosted by Maureen’s Books. In this meme we share every week something we love with each other. Because let’s face it.. The world can be a dark place and it’s time to share something positive. For more info and the upcoming subjects visit the My Favorite Meme. page.

I haven’t
listened to many audiobooks. Every year I plan on listening to more of them,
but I just never find the time to start. When I finally do start I love it. But
I also just don’t really like those earplugs in my ears, so when I’m at home I
just don’t like listening to an audiobook all that much. This isn’t really a
problem, but it makes listening to a lot of audiobooks difficult. But I do have
a favorite audiobook, and it was on my Favorite Books of 2017 list.
favorite audiobook is ‘The Silent Waters’ by Brittainy C. Cherry. I listened to
this book in March of last year and it really blew me away. ‘The Silent Waters’
was published as an audiobook in December 2016. It’s the third book in the Elements
series but can be read (or listened too) as a standalone. And it’s wonderful.

Our lives are a collection of moments. Some utterly painful and full of
yesterday’s hurts. Some beautifully hopeful and full of tomorrow’s promises.

I’ve had many moments in my lifetime, moments that changed me, challenged me. Moments
that scared me and engulfed me. However, the biggest ones—the most
heartbreaking and breathtaking ones—all included him.

I was ten years old when I lost my voice. A piece of me was stolen away, and
the only person who could truly hear my silence was Brooks Griffin. He was
light during my dark days, the promise of tomorrow, until tragedy found him.
Tragedy that eventually drowned him in a sea of memories.

This is the story of a boy and girl who loved each other, but didn’t love
themselves. A story of life and death. Of love and broken promises.

Of moments.

Not only
is ‘The Silent Waters’ a beautiful story. The two narrators also did a great job.
I definitely want to listen to this book again someday. (Read my review here.)
is your favorite audiobook?

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