
Writing a review is serious business. Not only do you
have to be able to write your thoughts down,
but you also have to be honest and
still keep it as kind as possible. I mean you don’t want to destroy someone’s
work. And not to forget, your review must be fun to read. This is not as easy
as it sounds!

So which reviews are the best?
The reviews I think are the most fun are the ones that
are honest, funny, insightful, enthusiastic, kind although the book is not for
him/her and don’t have any spoilers in them. I just hate spoilers, so when a
review has a spoiler it’s not fun for me. I try to make my own reviews like
that as well. Sometimes I think I do okay, but most days I keep on wanting to
improve my reviews. Which is okay with me since I’m a perfectionist and rarely
think something I do is so good it doesn’t need improvement. It makes me want
to keep on learning, and try things differently sometimes.
So when do you write the review?
I have been reviewing my books for almost three years
now, first only on Goodreads and since two years on this blog. I always write
my reviews as soon as I can. In the beginning I wasn’t even able to start a new
book until I wrote the review of the last book I finished. I was just so scared
I would forget important stuff that I would stay up really late just to write
my review. Now, I don’t mind starting a new book before I wrote my review. But
still I try to do it as fast as possible. At least in the first twenty-four
hours after finishing the book. I feel like my reviews are the best if my mind
is still completely full about a book. 
But is it really? Isn’t better to think about a book for
a while to really get to the bottom of your feelings about a book?

What do you think? What is the best time to write a Review?