
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

This week has just flown by, and I’m honestly shocked I’m already writing another Sunday Post. Where did this week go? Crazy.

It has already been the second week at my new job, and I’m still really enjoying it. I had some insecure moments where I wondered how on earth I’m going to know it all.. But that’s just me. I’m sure I’ll be catching up soon. I already feel like I know a bit more than last week! I just have to remind myself not to be to harsh to myself. Not one of my strong suits to be honest.

My best friend and I finished watched the last Harry Potter movie Thursday night. We’ve been watching all the movies again, and although I already seen them several times.. They are just so good. Sigh.. I’m also determined to start re-reading the books again this year. It has been a while. For our movie nights, we are starting the Fantastic Beasts movies next. Yess!!

My husband is still in a lot of pain unfortunately, and next week he’ll be going for a scan and hopefully we’ll soon know more. Our baby boy has been a bit restless during the nights these last few days. So I’m a bit exhausted to be honest. A new job, and not a lot of sleep is not a good combo. But I’m still smiling and reading some great books.. so all is well!

Now tell me.. How are you doing? What have you been reading?

  • Review ‘How To Love Your Neighbor’ by Sophie Sullivan
  • Release Blitz ‘The Devil and the Blue’ by Elizabeth O’Roark
  • Review ‘Finding You’ by Lena Hendrix

Received from publisher/author (affiliate links):

Bought myself (affiliate links):