
The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimberly @ the Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

See rules here: Sunday Post Meme


This week has been another busy one with lots of planning, work stuff, baby girl stuff and not to much blogging and reading stuff unfortunately.

On Monday our baby girl had a little tryout session at our new sitter. She went there for two hours to just try how it goes, and I started my Christmas dinner shopping. It had been a long time since I did any grocery shopping on my own and it was nice to be able to browse through all the aisles. Baby girl did great at the new sitter, and although I still find it hard to leave her at someone who isn’t family I have a good feeling about it. She’ll start going there once a week from January.

Tuesday I went shopping for Christmas decorations with one of my colleagues, for the Christmas party we where hosting on Friday. We had coffee afterwards and it was just a lot of fun. In the evening a girlfriend came over to watch ‘Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby’. Those movies are just so bad, they are fun. LOL!

This week I had to work on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. It where busy days with a lot of unforeseen craziness going on!! Life as a nurse is definitely never boring! I also had a meeting for a new thing I’m going to do at work, and it was really fun and exciting. It will mean I’ll have to work one extra day a month.. but it will be worth it I think. (Although that mom guilt still tries to take the fun out of it!)

On Friday after work, it was time for the Christmas Party I organized. It was close to the hospital, and around 65 people came. I can’t deny I was a little nervous about everything working out okay, but in the end I think it was a great party and everyone seemed to have had a great time.

This weekend I’m going to relax and enjoy our baby girl. The next view weeks will be crazy, so I’ll try to enjoy the nice and quiet. Ow.. and did I mention that I will be trying to stay of my feet this weekend? Someone should have told me it isn’t smart to wear heels at a party when you haven’t worn heels for more than ten minutes at a time for almost a year! My feet are killing me!! LOL!!

  • Cover Reveal ‘Kiss of Vengeance’ by S. Young
  • Review ‘One Week Till Christmas’ by Belinda Missen
  • Review ‘Annabella and the Magic Pencil’ by Stephanie Ward & Shaney Hyde (Picture Book)

No new books this week.