
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20799396-angry-blondeForced to take immediate control over her life, Wylie recounts the haunting chain of events that led to her fall from grace.
explains how she met her modern-day knight, how she eagerly grabbed his
hand to join the descent down his crime-infused rabbit hole. She delves
deeper through the winding tunnel of her traumatic adolescence, hoping
to rid herself of her sins.
Angry Blonde is the confession of a girl who must learn how to create love and safety from fear and hatred. 

When I
first read the description of ‘Angry Blonde’ I was immediately interested. This
book sounded like my kind of story. I finished this book while I was lying on
the beautiful beach in Mexico and I’m so glad Maria Mroziuk approached me for a
review of this book.

In ‘Angry
Blonde’ we follow the story of Wylie, AKA Samantha. Wylie is a 17 year old girl
who had/has a rough life. Nothing in Wylie’s life goes the right way. Her dad isn’t
around, her mother doesn’t care and Wylie’s grandmother forgets stuff all the time.
When Wylie meets 21 year old Patrick, her life changes forever. Soon Wylie
experiences life in a whole different way. And soon she is in over her head.
What I
really liked about ‘Angry Blonde’ was the beginning. Right from the first page
on, you are warned that this isn’t a ‘happy’ book. There is a lot of bad
things, drugs and a lot of tears going on. But that doesn’t mean this book isn’t
good. No not at all. I really liked this book. I loved the roughness and the
purity in this book. It’s not about a perfect life, but that made it an even
greater book for me.
character I liked the most was definitely Wylie. She made the best of her life
even though she never really knew love. I loved how she came to her nickname ‘Wylie’
and that she kept it. I loved
that she didn’t choose the thing I would choose. And I really liked the way
Wylie worked her life out in the end. Not perfect! But she made a great start. 
I really
would recommend this story to every reader out there. This story is not about a
perfect life (there are more of enough books about perfect life’s out there) but
that makes this a great book.

About the Author:

Mroziuk has been writing stories since she learned how to hold a pen. She
currently lives in New York City and is working on her fourth book. Angry
Blonde is her first published novel.

For more information about ‘Angry Blonde’ you can go to Amazon and Goodreads. Or look
for Maria Mroziuk on Facebook

For more
information about ‘Angry Blonde’ and Maria Mroziuk keep checking out my blog for an interview
with her here on Maureen’s Books …