
My Favorite.. is a weekly meme hosted by Maureen’s Books. In this meme we share every week something we love with each other. Because let’s face it.. The world can be a dark place and it’s time to share something positive. For more info: My Favorite Meme.

This had
to be the most difficult My Favorite.. I had to write so far. Not because I
don’t have any good childhood memories, but more because I really don’t have a
good memory and don’t remember much. Some people say I have a selective memory,
and maybe that’s true, but I had to think a while before I thought of My
Favorite.. childhood memory. But after thinking about it I can say one thing
for sure.. My favorite childhood memory is Wesley!
Wesley in my grandfather’s garden!

A guy I
hear you asking? No, he was our dog. A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel we got
when I was eight years old. And I loved that dog more than anything! I remember
we got to pick him up at a small ‘farm like’ house filled with lots of puppies
and dogs. I remember the owner of the house had this big fluffy couch and
everywhere you looked there were puppies coming out of the couch, lying on top
of the couch, between the couch.. It was a sight. 

I remember
the day we got to pick him up. He was so small and soft and I was in complete
awe. I remember that day because that dog played a big part in my childhood,
and I still miss him to this day. He was such a special dog. He was sweet,
kind, and most days he seemed to think he was a ‘real’ boy. 
What I
remember most about Wesley, was that he was always there. My parents got
divorced when I was ten years old, and it was a really hard time for me and I
felt very alone and sad. Since I was an only child I never had any siblings I
could share these things with. But I used to come home after being away for the
weekend and Wesley always came running. He seemed to be able to feel when I was
sad and he always kept trying to hug me until I couldn’t do anything else but
smile. Yes, hug! He tried to put one paw on each shoulder every time. LOL! I
told you he thought he was a real boy! 😉
When I was
sixteen years old we had to put him to sleep because he had cancer and could
barely breath. I hold him the entire time until he took his last breath. I
think I cried for weeks and I can still cry thinking about it now. Boy.. I miss
that dog. But he definitely was and is my favorite childhood memory! 

is your favorite childhood memory?

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