
Today I’m super excited to have author Megan Tayte on the
Sunday’s Author Spotlight. Megan is the author of the amazing Cerulean series.
This series will be a five book series. The first two books ‘Death Wish’ and ‘Forget
Me Not’ are already available and the third book ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ will be
published today!! The Cerulean series is a Young Adult Romance with a
Paranormal edge. 

About ‘Death Wish’ (Cerulean #1):


The Ceruleans: mere mortals infusted with
power over life and death. Five books: one question: if the might of the
heavens were in your hands, would you be sinner or saint?

Seventeen-year-old Scarlett Blake is haunted by death. Her estranged sister has
made the ultimate dramatic exit. Running away from school, joining a surfing
fraternity, partying hard: that sounds like Sienna. But suicide? It makes
no sense.

Following in her sister’s footsteps, Scarlett comes to the isolated cove of
Twycombe, Devon, with grand plans to uncover the truth. Alone. But she hasn’t
reckoned on meeting two boys who are determined to help her. Luke: the blue-eyed
surfer who’ll see the real Scarlett, who’ll challenge her, who’ll save her. And
Jude: the elusive drifter with a knack for turning up whenever Scarlett’s in

As Scarlett’s quest for the truth unravels, so too does her grip on reality as
she’s always known it. Because there’s something strange going on in this
little cove. A dead magpie circles the skies. A dead deer watches from the
undergrowth. Hands glow with light. Warmtt. Power.

What transpires is a summer of discovery. Of what it means to conquer fear. To
fall in love. To choose life. To choose death.

To believe the impossible.

This book is available at Amazon US and Amazon UK. To read my review please go here.

About ‘Forget Me Not’ (Cerulean #2):


https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25261649-forget-me-notIN THE FACE OF DEATH, SHE MUST PROTECT THOSE SHE LOVES.

The Ceruleans: mere mortal infused with
power over life and death. Five books; one question: if the might of the
heavens were in your hands, would you be sinner or saint?

Death is stalking Scarlett Blake. As if the encroaching darkness in her head
wasn’t enough, she’s become disturbingly accident prone. Falling off a cliff
isn’t ideal when all you want is as much time as possible to live, to love.

Her fate is horrifying. Unbearable. And inescapable. No one can save Scarlett
from The End that’s looming. Not Jude, the Cerulean who is intent on Claiming
her. Not Luke, the boy who is intent on loving her.

The clock is ticking, louder with every heartbeat. Now Scarlett must decide how
best to protect the people she loves. Will she trust in Jude and the
life-after-death he promises? Will she stand against the Fallen, who have her
sister captive? Will she carry the burden of her death alone – every headache,
every hallucination, every wrenching, aching emotion?

And when the clock falls silent, when the darkness eclipses the light, will
Scarlett fight for life? Or will she have no choice but to surrender?

This book is available at Amazon US and Amazon UK. To read my review please go here

About ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ (Ceruleans #3):



When Scarlett Blake chose life-after-death as a Cerulean,
she expected to grieve for all she left behind: her boyfriend, her best friend,
her mother, her home. But at least Cerulea, her heaven, would be… well,
heavenly. Right?


The world in which Scarlett awakens is very far from her idea of a
utopia. Picturesque, sure, and serene. But there can be no paradise within the
unforgiving walls of a prison, be they of cold, hard stone or beautifully blue

Now Scarlett faces her hardest decision yet: be a good, dutiful
Cerulean, or be true to herself and fight for freedom.

And if she can find a way to escape, what then? Can she finally reunite
with her lost sister? Can she save Sienna from the murderous Fallen? Can she
evade her destiny with the Ceruleans?

Can Scarlett Blake ever reclaim her life-before-death… or must she let
go of all she loves?

This book is available NOW from Amazon US and Amazon UK

Excerpt ‘Death Wish’:

Waves everywhere, swirling, surging, seething – a raging
melange of foam and salt and inky water biting at me, pulling at me, thrusting
upon me a solitary invitation:

As I fought to remain on the flimsy polystyrene surfboard
that seemed more bucking bronco than wave rider, I thought: That’s how easy it is – you just let go. Just release the grip on this world that in recent
months had seemed so much an effort, and sink into the blue, beneath the waves,
where chaos and fury turned to quiet and calm. Like she did.
Was drowning as they claim? I wondered. The easiest way
to die – peaceful? How would it feel to give up all the dragging myself through
the day, all the struggle to evade the aching void inside? A relief?
Another wave rose me up and slammed me down with
breathtaking power. Its force stirred me. You could say a lot of things about
Scarlett Blake – she’s a loner, she’s a wallflower, she’s a menace in the
kitchen – but no way was ‘she’s a quitter’ on the list of character flaws.
‘Screw you!’ I shouted through the spray.
Funny, sounded like someone shouted back. But who else
would be out in this tumultuous sea at six a.m. on a summer’s morning? Solitude
was the entire point of hauling myself out of bed in the still-dark and picking
my way down the cliff path to the beach just in time to see the horizon light
up with the first burnt-orange glow of the rising sun. No one to see me make a
damn fool of myself on my first surfing attempt.
‘Trying… yourself killed?’
Definitely a voice. Male. Angry.
Scanning the surroundings for the source proved difficult
while lying stomach-to-board. On an upward surge I got a glimpse of the
Devonshire cliffs that fringed the cove, all dark, jutting rocks topped by
bushes of gorse, and then a flash of the beach. On a downward plummet there was
nothing but eye-burning, throat-choking seawater.
‘Forward… next wave!’
The voice was closer now. There was an edge to it beyond
the anger. Something raw.
My eyes picked out a black form between the waves.
Someone on a surfboard, paddling it expertly seaward. I took one hand off the
board to push sticky tendrils of hair from my eyes. Rookie mistake. Turned out
holding on one-handed was impossible. The board shot upwards, out of my feeble
grip, and then it was just me and Old Man Sea.
Kicking frantically, I tried to keep my head above the
surface, but the waves were burying me, one after the other, only a second or
two to come up for air before the next one hit. Far away now were thoughts of
letting go – I was fighting furiously for life. Never in my seventeen years had
I been so desperate. But my legs were tingling with effort, and I knew it was
just a matter of time.
When the final wave broke me all I could think was, Sienna. With her
name on my lips I inhaled a lungful of water and I sank…
… for all of a second before something grabbed the back
of my t-shirt and hauled me upward. Coughing and spluttering, I emerged from
the blue and was pulled roughly onto a board, my leg shoved over so that I
straddled it. I had the fleeting thought that this board was much sleeker and
more substantial looking than the one I’d just lost before my rescuer settled
pretty much on top of me and started paddling toward the shore.
With him in command, we crested waves and glided down the
other side with apparent ease, though I seemed unable to match the rhythm of
our motion and kept taking in great gulps of brine. Over the sound of the waves
and the wind and the splash of powerful arms cutting into the water to propel
us along, I picked out low, irate grumblings.
‘.. idoit tourists…
total waste of… all we need… another bloody drama…’
Finally, we reached the shallow waters and he slid off
the board and pulled me off to walk to the beach. But my legs didn’t seem
willing to respond to basic instructions like ‘walk’ or even ‘stand’ and
breathing between wrenching gasps had become a challenge, so he threw an arm
around me and half-carried, half-walked me, dragging his board with his spare
Ten steps up the beach he let me down onto the sand.
‘Head down,’ he commanded. ‘Between your legs. Cough it
I did as I was told. Liquid spilled out of me with each
retching cough, and the cool air I gulped in burned my throat. I fought the
panic, I fought the pain, focusing instead on the shells and stones strewn
around. Finally, breathing won out.
‘You okay?’
I was reluctant to look up. For starters, I knew I must
look a mess – long hair plastered to my head rat-tail style, face flushed and
salt-burned, eyes teary and bloodshot. And then there was the fact that this
guy, whoever he was, had just saved my life, and was evidently pretty mad about
having had to do so.
‘Hey, you okay?’
I lifted my head slowly. Took in broad thighs clad in
black neoprene; hands reaching out, palms raised; a wide, muscular chest; a
striking face – rugged, square jaw, full lips, ruddy cheeks, Grecian nose
bearing a thin scar across the bridge, thick black lashes framing eyes… oh, his
I opened my mouth, tried to speak, but I was paralysed by
his gaze. All at once I was home in the cottage, tucked up beneath the blue
patchwork quilt of my childhood; I was watching my grandmother remove
vanilla-scented fairy cakes from her powder-blue Aga; I was running through a
meadow of sky-blue forget-me-nots with my sister – free, exhilarated, happy.
The memories took my breath away. I felt the familiar burn in my tear ducts.
His eyebrows pulled together and he placed a hand on my
trembling knee.
‘Are. You. Okay?’ he said with exaggerated care, as if he
were speaking to an elderly lady having a turn at a bus stop.
I blinked, cleared my throat and managed a husky, ‘Yes.
Th-thank you.’
Concern melted into exasperation.
‘What’s the deal,’ he demanded, ‘out there on your own,
clearly no idea what you’re doing, children’s play surfboard… you got a death
wish or something?’
I cringed. I’d known the board was short, but I’d thought
it was me-sized – at five foot three, what use was some enormous board?
‘I’m sorry.’
‘You would’ve been sorry if I hadn’t seen you.’
‘I just wanted to get a feel for it. I didn’t realise it
was so rough out there.’
‘Rough? That’s not rough. Not even optimum surfing weather.
Piece of cake for someone who actually knows how to surf…’
He paused when he saw a tear escape my eye and roll
traitorously down my cheek. Furrowed his brow, combed his fingers roughly
through dark hair that was drying fast in the breeze.
‘Listen, I didn’t mean to…’
I brushed the tear away furiously. Enough with
the vulnerability.
‘Right, well, thank you…’
‘Luke. My name’s Luke.’ The stress lines in his face
smoothed out and his lips curved. Like this, smiling and relaxed, his scrutiny
was a touch less unsettling. ‘And you are…?’
‘Thank you, Luke, for your, um, help, but I’m sure you’ve
better things to do, so I’ll just be…’
Before he could protest, I launched myself to my feet. He
instinctively rose with me, and my water-fogged mind registered belatedly that
my rescuer was a giant of a guy – my head was at the level of his chest. As I
looked up to take in his stature I staggered slightly and he reached out to
right me, but I stepped backwards. I didn’t need his kindness.
He looked awkward, unsure of himself, as he towered over
me. ‘Hey, will you be okay?’
‘Yes, yes, I’m fine. I’ll just head home.’
‘You live close?’
I pointed vaguely west. ‘Yes, not far.’
‘Up there?’ He looked
puzzled, and then interest sparked in his eyes. ‘You mean the Blake place?’
Busted. Of course being vague was pointless. My
grandparents’ ramshackle cottage on the western cliff was the only building up
I made a noncommittal mnnnhnnn noise,
but Luke was not to be deterred.
‘But that place has been empty since…’
He was looking at me now with such scrutiny that I took a
further step back. I saw the cogs turning in his mind as he took in the classic
green Blake eyes and then compared her
short, spiky red hair, eternally crimson lips, tall and impossibly slender –
with me – petite and curvy, hair more blond than auburn reaching to the base of
my spine and a pallor worthy of a vampire. His eyes widened.
‘Scarlett? Scarlett Blake!’
There was shock in his tone, and then sympathy.

Quest Post by Megan Tayte:


Finding My Voice.

A little known fact about me: for a short time in my distant
childhood, I was pretty much mute. I didn’t talk unless I absolutely had to.
Why? Because I had lost my voice – not literally, but emotionally. It took me
some time to find my voice again, and to use it with confidence, knowing that
it was mine to claim and it was worthy of being heard.
Still, from a very young age I was never that interested
in words said aloud; it was words on a page that held all the power and magic
for me. So even when my spoken voice grew in strength, to the point that I
could stand up in front of an audience of hundreds and speak, my search for
voice was not over. I had what Tennyson described: ‘the quiet sense of
something lost’. Somewhere inside there was yet a mute suffering in silence.
In the hunt for my writer’s voice, I wrote, and wrote,
and wrote. I made writing my day job. I wrote articles, I wrote marketing copy,
I wrote stories, I wrote chapters, I wrote books. I wrote and ghostwrote for
many different clients, in many different voices. None, though, were my own. And
whenever I tried, in my own time, to write something for myself, that authentic
Megan voice was elusive. I wrote stuff I knew was decent enough, but I felt
nothing for it – it wasn’t mine. So I gave up writing for me for a time, and
just wrote for others.
Then came the ideas. A deluge of them, keeping me awake
at night, distracted me during the day. For months and months I walked around
in a kind of fog, wondering what to do with the jumble of images and places and
people and moments swirling about inside. It was exhaustion, I think, that
drove me to sit down with a blank Word document in the end. That, and a whole
wave of emotions brought on by early pregnancy (and one too many mochaccinos,
which I crave when pregnant – heck, who am I kidding? I crave them always). I
had no expectations. I wasn’t even thinking about ‘properly’ writing. I just
wanted to get some of the story world out of my head and onto a page, so I
could go back to lying on the sofa and moaning through morning sickness.
I wrote the first chapter of Death Wish in a couple of
hours by candlelight one dark and cold evening. The room, after I typed the
last word, was silent. I read the chapter back. I read it again. The room was
still silent. But the voice… the voice was not.
It was new and it was tremulous, afraid of being
ridiculed, criticised, silenced again. It took several weeks for it to
consistently show up at designated writing sessions, and several months for it to
establish itself as the dominant voice. But now, when I write there’s no choice
to make, no invitation to extend: I write naturally in my own voice. Now, there
is no quiet sense of something lost, but a jubilant sense of something found.
Maya Angelou wrote: ‘There is no greater agony
than bearing an untold story inside you.’ To tell that story, to relieve
that agony, you have to find your voice, and then use it. Loudly. Proudly.

Praise for Megan Tayte:

I didn’t read this
novel; I devoured it!
Chick Lit Plus,  about ‘Death Wish’
If you’re after a
pull-you-in sort of supernatural story with great characters and a fun
storyline, give ‘Death Wish’ a read.
This story is
extremely well written with just the right amount of mystery and intrigue. The
characters are realistic and the relationships prove to be profound for
everyone. Romantic and sad all at the same time! This book left me wanting more
and I cannot wait to read book two.
The Reading Café,
about ‘Death Wish’
Megan Tayte is
definitely able to write very addicting books, but she’s still able to keep a
lot of mystery left for the reader. The only thing I really can say is:


About the Author:

Once upon a time a little girl told her grandmother that
when she grew up she wanted to be a writer. Or a lollipop lady. Or a fairy
princess fireman. ‘Write, Megan,’ her grandmother advised. So that’s what she

Thirty-odd years later, Megan writes the kinds of books she loves to read:
young-adult paranormal romance fiction. Young adult, because it’s the time of
life that most embodies freedom and discovery and first love. Paranormal,
because she’s always believed that there are more things in heaven and on earth
than are dreamt of in our philosophy. And romance, because she’s a misty-eyed
dreamer who lives for those ‘life is so breathtakingly beautiful’ moments.

Megan grew up in the Royal County, a hop, skip and a (very long) jump from
Windsor Castle, but these days she makes her home in Robin Hood’s county,
Nottingham. She lives with her husband, a proud Scot who occasionally kicks
back in a kilt; her son, a budding artist with the soul of a paleontologist;
and her baby daughter, a keen pan-and-spoon drummer who sings in her sleep. When
she’s not writing, you’ll find her walking someplace green, reading by the
fire, or creating carnage in the kitchen as she pursues her impossible dream:
of baking something edible.

For more information about Megan Tayte and the Ceruleans
series please visit her website, Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest

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