
This week
is Maureen’s Books 4 year Blogiversary and I’m super excited to share some awesome stuff with you
this week. To start this week of good I’m
excited to welcome Aislynn on the blog. Aislynn is a fellow blogger, reviewer
and author on Port Jericho and she was kind enough to write a guest post for all
of you to read to help celebrate this fun occasion. Keep on checking out this
week’s posts.. There will be a cool Blogiversary giveaway
this weekend.

Favourite Mythic Beasts:

I love the
strange and unusual. The paranormal. The preternatural. Ghosties and cryptids,
and  everything in between. Here are 
seven of my favourites that have made their way into modern 


Chupas are
fascinating critters because of how they’ve spread, and changed. These beasties
first  appeared in Puerto Rico. The name means ‘goat sucker’s, for the
purported habit of draining the  blood from livestock, especially goats.
Chupas have been described as lizard-like, with a row of  spines along the
back, and glowing red eyes. They’ve also been described as dog-like, though not
any  known type of dog. Some even consider them alien

A great
book featuring chupacabra is Michael F Stewart’s Keep in a Cold Dark Place.
Here’s my review for it! (​https://wp.me/p6C2DX-wq​) 


Okay, so,
as mentioned above, dragons are my ​ thing . And ‘dragon’ can encompass a
wide variety of  creatures, from South America’s feathered serpents, to
Europe’s wyvern, China’s lung or long, to  the rainbow serpents of
Novik’s ​Temeraire ​series explores many different dragons around the world,
as does Marie  Brennan’s Memoirs of Lady Trent series.
Here is my
review for ​A Natural History of Dragons (​https://wp.me/p6C2DX-8g​) 


also spelt gryphon, is a creature most likely conjured when our distant
ancestors stumbled  across the bones of dinos like protoceratops, who had
a beaked head, and four-legged body.
A series I
enjoyed that heavily featured griffins is KJ Taylor’s Fallen Moon Cycle)  

Padfoot/ Cu Sith

Legends of
great black dogs abound throughout the UK and much of Europe. These
preternatural  hounds are generally regarded unfavourably, and considered
omens of death. Sirius Black aka  Padfoot from JK Rowling’s Harry Potter​ series takes the form of a shuck dog. Another quite  famous Grim can be found in Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskervilles:

Black Dog

© Aislynn
Black dog,
Derry dog, Shuck and Cu, 
hounds hunting after you. 
hounds, Arawn’s hounds, Barghest and Grim, 
See a
black dog, prospects look dim.  
Black dog,
Gytrash, Padfoot, Ki Du, 
Iotair chasing after you.  
Mauthe Dhoog, Skirker and Grim, 
See a black
dog, luck turns dim. 

Cait Sith

The cait
sith or cait sidhe is the feline equivalent of 
the cu sith. These are large black cats, often  sporting a white
spot on the chest, and less often, a white blaze on the face. Cait Sith can
be  found in Seanan McGuire’s October Daye​
series. Here’s my review of The Brightest Fell.  (https://wp.me/p6C2DX-TP​) 


Kappa are
a type of yokai (think Japanese ‘fae’). They look kinda like bipedal turtles,
with a shallow  indent in  the top of the head, and can be
aggressive. The indent holds water, and is the source of  their strength.
They may arbitrarily attack humans, and will certainly if provoked. Kappa
are  strict with protocol. If you bow to one, they met bow back, and will
spill the water, and so lose  their strength. The Pokemon Golduck bears a
passing resemblance to a kappa. In JK Rowling’s Harry Potter​ series, kappa make an appearance, being part of Harry’s trials in Goblet of Fire (book). 


are another type of yokai. They are fox spirits, and generally full of
mischief. Most of the  time it’s playful, but they can  have a dark side. The Pokemon Vulpix/
Ninetales are based on  kitsune. These mystical Japanese fae feature
heavily in the ​Red Winter Trilogy​ by Annette Marie.

Check out
my review for ​Red Winter. ​ (https://wp.me/p6C2DX-j2
) One of my own characters in World Shaper​ is a kitsune.

About Aislynn:

For more
information about Aislynn and her site please visit website. Or visit her on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram

Thank you for visiting!