
Today I’m super excited to participate in the Release Day
Blitz of ‘The Donor’ by Nikki Rae. This book is a short novella and in the last
view months I read all three parts of this book (Loved it!!). Today
is finally the day the complete book is released and I think it looks great! 

The Book:


https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23249268-the-donor?from_search=trueCasey Williams and her family are poor. Her parents work
non-stop and so does she, just so they can keep the trailer roof from leaking.
They’re getting by fine enough when the headaches start. Then there’s the
nosebleeds. And the inevitable doctor’s bills.

Fortunately for Casey, there’s MyTrueMatch.com: an exclusive, quick, and almost
easy way to pay it all back before her parents even have to know.
All she has to do is give a man she’s never met whatever he wants from her
This book is available at Amazon


About the Author:

Nikki Rae is
an independent author who lives in New Jersey. She explores human nature
through fiction, concentrating on making the imaginary as real as possible. Her
genres of choice are mainly dark, scary, romantic tales, but she’ll try
anything once. When she is not writing, reading, or thinking, you can find her
spending time with animals, drawing in a quiet corner, or studying people.
For more information about Nikki Rae and ‘The Donor’ you can visit
, Twitter,
Facebook or Amazon. Or visit Nikki on her blog.



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