
Welcome to my stop on the tour for ‘The Intergalactic
Adventures of Queen Bea’ by Jeanne Gransee Barker. This is a young adult
sci-fi. The tour runs February 16-27 with reviews, author interviews, guest
posts and excerpts. Check out the tour page for more information.


About the Book:

Everything she’d ever known was a lie. Now Bea must find
the courage to trust her own voice to save not only herself — but an entire

At almost 15, late-bloomer Bea Parker has just discovered that her aunt, uncle
and cousins—the only family she’s ever known—aren’t actually related to her and
don’t know anything about her birth parents. Then a strange, high-tech device
shows up in her room in the middle of the night with a note promising answers
about her shadowed past. This alien technology takes her on a journey that
forces her to leave behind Earth, and everything she knows, to meet her
‘The Intergalactic Adventures of Queen Bea’ is on sale
for only .99 cents on Amazon
for a limited time!

My Review:


I read many different kinds of books. There isn’t one
genre I don’t like. But books involving adventures, different worlds and
mystery have always been one of my favorite reads. So when I saw the sign up
for the blog tour of ‘The Intergalactic Adventures of Queen Bea’ I immediately
signed up. I loved the cover and the book description sounded very exciting so
I couldn’t wait to start reading this book.
In ‘The Intergalactic Adventures of Queen Bea’ we meet
fourteen year old Bea Parker. Bea is having a hard time lately. Bea just
discovered that the family she lived with her whole life – her aunt and uncle
and her cousins –  aren’t really her
family at all. Now Bea isn’t only struggling with being a late- bloomer but also
with trying to find out more about where she came from.
One evening Bea finds a strange device that changes her
life forever. Not knowing what to do with the device, she asks Calvin , genius
and nerd, to help her out. Soon Bea and Calvin find themselves in great danger
and discover a world they never knew existed.
‘The Intergalactic Adventures of Queen Bea’ was
definitely a book that was filled with mystery and adventures. From the moment
I started reading about Bea I felt myself connect with her. Bea doesn’t feel
like she belongs anywhere and she just feels kind of awkward (who haven’t felt
like that before??). I really enjoyed reading about Bea and her family. Bea
lived in a house filled with love but after she found out she wasn’t really
related to her family, she just felt different and tried to sort out her many
different feelings. This journey was very nice to read.
Although the beginning was a little slow, I really liked
this book. I liked the main character Bea and I loved the way the author was
able to describe a different world. It was definitely fun to read the chapters
from Bea’s point of view, and those of Vaslow’s, Bea’s guardian from on another
world, point of view. The story was intriguing and kept you hooked.
I also really loved Calvin. In the beginning he was just
a little strange and nerdy, but soon he became this great friend to Bea and I
really enjoyed reading about him.
If your into sci-fi and fantasy this is definitely a book
you should check out. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to read the next
book in this series. 

My Rating:


About the Author:


I discovered science fiction when I was four. My father
loved Star Trek, the original series. Every Friday night he’d make a big deal
of getting the house quiet so he could hear the TV. The importance of it drew
me in. And then I was hooked on other worlds, molecules being scrambled and
reformed, and meeting totally logical aliens. As I grew older and continued to
watch, I loved the idea that a story could explore our contemporary dilemmas
couched in two-tone faces or hidden with green skin. Science fiction was the
“gateway genre” that led me to fantasy and paranormal fiction.
I began my first novel at age 12. I still have the ring
binder with the hand-written pages of OOTG-1 (that stands for Out of the
Galaxy)—the story of the first manned expedition to venture forth beyond our
galaxy. Alas, after about thirty pages my hand got tired and the crew never
left the Milky Way. But that experience sparked a lifelong love of writing
which  has continued through my school days to the present.
When I’m not enjoying the alternate universes of my
written creations, I live, work, and play  Seattle, Washington.
For more information about Jeanne Gransee Barker please
visit her website, Facebook and Twitter.



a Rafflecopter giveaway This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions.