
As a book
blogger I’ve been receiving books to review for years. And I love it! It’s
something I’m honestly still proud of. Authors and publishers that choose me to
review there book. I mean does it get any better than that? In the early days
of Maureen’s Books I used to accept every review request. I was just so honored
that people picked me to read their book that I wanted to read them all. Even
if it were books that didn’t really spark my interest, or were in a genre I
normally didn’t read. Soon I had way to much books to review and I couldn’t
read fast enough to keep up. So I updated my review policy and nowadays I’m only
accepting review requests if the book interests me and I have the time. 
But still
it’s hard to keep track of all the books to review at times. I manage, but I
keep thinking I need to find something to make it easier to keep track of all
those books. I have used a notebook, but I found it didn’t work quite as well since
some books needed to be read earlier than others and I would miss some because
they weren’t in order. Currently I’m using an excel sheet, but I keep changing
it since I’m still not completely convinced this works the way I want it too.
I write a review date in my planner if theirs still a publish date coming up.
But flipping through my planner every time just doesn’t sound like a good way
to keep track either. 

So tell
me, how do you keep track of the books you need to review? 

Do you use a
notebook? Words, Excel?