
If you
follow my blog or follow me on social media, you probably already know that I’m
pregnant. I’m 20 weeks pregnant of our first baby and it’s a baby girl. And we
are over the moon. If you are pregnant, or have been pregnant you know that your
energy levels aren’t the same as before your pregnancy. And I’ve definitely
been experiencing this. But it’s all worth it, and sometimes you just have to
ask for a little help.

As a
reader and book blogger I can’t wait to start reading to and with my baby girl.
But since browsing the bookstores isn’t really happening at the moment I need
your help. My baby girl definitely will have to have books and reading time in
her life. But what books do I have to get? Which baby books should I definitely
read? And which one should I not buy? I already have a view books, some in Dutch
and some in English (I’ll post them down here), but obviously I’ll have to get more. 

So which
book would you recommend I have to read to my baby? Let me know and I’ll make a
list down here with all the books I’ll have to get. Maybe another mama will
find it helpful too. 😉