
you ever have these thoughts in your head that you just really want to write
away? As a wife, reader, book blogger, nurse and woman I have many thoughts going
through my head that I just want to put out there sometimes. Some fit a genre, some
don’t.. and sometimes they are just crazy ramblings in my head that need to come
out. In Maureen’s Little Corner of the World I’ll be sharing some of these ramblings,
ideas, opinions, views and adventures.  


What is it
with snow that always makes me feel so happy? Currently our Dutch landscape is
covered with snow. Since we don’t really seem to know what to do with snow
here, the roads are terrible, the people can’t really drive anymore and a lot
of people seem to curse the snow. Trains aren’t going anymore, buses have
stopped and the advice is to stay at home. Obviously it’s not fun if going to
your job takes two hours, instead of the normal 30 minutes. But I love snow and
even the longer time to get from one place to the next can’t make me love snow
any less. But what is it about this cold, wet and white substance that makes me
feel all swoony inside?
Having some fun in the snow with my husband this Sunday!
Maybe it’s
because the snow makes me think of the holidays I spend in Switzerland in the winter
and summers. I remember those gorgeous looking wooden Swiss houses.. covered in
lots of snow. Everywhere you looked everything was white. And we had these walks
through the snow covered mountains, surrounded by a perfect blue sky and the
warmest sunshine. Those are the childhood memories I remember the most. And in
my memories they are even more perfect than they really probably wore.
I remember
sledding in the snow with my parents and grandparents. Skiing through the mountains
in Switzerland and in France, feeling like I could concur the world. Making snowman’s
with my family and friends. And I remember some Christmases where it really was
a white outside. Snow is just magical to me. It makes me think of happy
memories. And I can never see to much snow.
And as a
Gilmore Girls fan, it obviously makes me think of Lorelai. And hot cocoa! And
warm boots. And.. Well.. I think snow is great!!