
How To Seduce a Bad Boy
Title: How To Seduce a Bad Boy
Page Count: 169
Goodreads Rating: 3.82
Melody Bryant has heard it all before. Sure, she's the epitome of the stereotype for a librarian. Loves order. Loves rules and deadlines. Loves books. But what she doesn't love is still being a virgin at twenty-four. Unfortunately, the only guy she's ever been interested in turned her down flat. And then left town. Eight. Years. Ago. Ugh. Now her birthday is fast approaching and she just can't take it any longer. She's finding a guy before her birthday in five weeks or she's adopting two more cats and fully embracing becoming "the crazy cat lady." But when her latest date ends in epic failure--everyone thinks of her as the "proper librarian," she realizes what she needs is to ruin her reputation. And she knows the perfect guy to help her: the baddest bad boy in town. This Army vet won't know what hit him...

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When I was looking on Netgalley and saw the cover of ‘How To Seduce A Bad Boy’ it definitely grabbed my attention right away. I mean don’t you just love that cover? I really did. So when I read the book description and read that this book was about a librarian, I just knew I had to read this one. So I was super excited when I got approved and received an ARC!

In ‘How To Seduce A Bad Boy’ we meet Melody Bryant. Melody is a librarian, dresses like an old lady and is a little quirky. And I loved her character! Not only because she was a librarian, but also because she was just so relatable and I liked her quirks. Melody feels like she needs to do something about her reputation so she calls in the help of her brother’s best friend Adam. Melody has had a crush on Adam for years, and I can totally get why. Adam is fun, sexy and kind and although he feels like he isn’t worth much I was totally rooting for his character.

The romance between Melody and Adam was definitely fun. I loved reading about them and I just didn’t want to put this book down until I finished it. The chemistry is definitely great between these characters and I loved getting to know them.

Adam was a great ‘bad’ boy. The whole army guy and motorcycle thing made him very interesting to read about. And I loved the fact we got to read this story from both his and Melody’s point of view.

I’ve been thinking long and hard about this rating. I loved this book and read it in a day. The characters where fun and relatable and I definitely hope there will be another book about Melody’s best friend and brother. But I was a little disappointed there were no hot and steamy scenes at all, which fitted this story and was definitely expected. And I felt like the ending of this book was a little rushed. So four stars it is! But still a very fun read!

USA Today Bestselling Author Traci Douglass writes fiction bursting with romance and action, usually mixed with a healthy portion of fantasy, urban edge and/or snark. Her stories feature sizzling heroes with quick wits and dark pasts and smart, independent heroines who always give as good as they get. She’s an active member of Romance Writers of America (RWA), Indiana Romance Writers of America (IRWA), and the International Thriller Writers (ITW), and holds a Master of Fine Arts Degree in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. For more information about Traci please visit her website. Or visit her on Twitter and Facebook.

* I received an ARC of this book in exhange for my honest review *