
Today it’s time for a celebration… Maureen’s Books exists
exactly two years!! Yes.. That’s right.. Two Years!! Wow.. where has the time
gone? Two years ago I started Maureen’s Books with the idea to have a place
where I could right some stuff about the books I read.. Little did I know that
it would grow in so much more. Maureen’s Books is now so much more than a blog
for me. It really is a part of who I am and I love every minute of it. This
year has been another great one, with lots of fun and great books. But it also
allowed me to get in touch with a lot of nice and kind people who love books
just as much as I do. This blog means so much for me and I love talking about
the books I read and sharing that with the world. And I plan to have many more
blogging years ahead of me.

A views statistics about Maureen’s Books first two years:

–        563 Posts
–        Read and
reviewed 253 books
–        Received 1318
–        555 Likes on
Maureen’s Books Facebook Page

And since no celebration is complete without some gifts I
have an awesome giveaway for you guys. To celebrate Maureen’s Books Two Years
Blogiversary I’m giving away Two books (paperback or eBook, it’s your choice) from My favorite reads of 2015 page. So
participate in the giveaway and don’t forget to share the fun.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you so much for celebrating with me today!!