
Happy New Year!!! I can’t believe it’s already 2016.
Where did the time go? I can’t wait to start a new year and read all those books
I didn’t get to in 2015. With every passing year my TBR list is growing and
growing. And still.. I keep looking forward to adding more books to this list
every single day. I’m determined to make this year an even better reading year
than the last.

Last night I spend my evening with my boyfriend, reading
and watching series. We had lots of delicious snacks and tasty cocktails. I
read a book and we just enjoyed our time together. On days like these I
remember how lucky I am and how much I’ve grown as a person.
Although I’m normally not a new year resolutions kind of
girl, I also thought about things I wanted to do in 2016. Of course I want to
read more, but I’m also going to try to eat and make healthier food. Not that we
only live on junk food.. but more vegetables and fruit sounds like a great
plan. Hopefully I will feel more energized if I change my food pattern a
I hope you all had a great celebration last night and I
wish you all a very happy new year, filled with books and other things that
make you happy. And remember, even on days when the world looks dark and
twisted.. there are always books to help you forget for a while!!

What did you do last night? Do you have any new year resolutions?