
Today I’m excited to participate in the blog tour of ‘Prisoner’
by Dennis W. Green. ‘Prisoner’ is the second book in the Traveler
Chronicles series and it’s an adult science fiction series. I read the
first book ‘Traveler’ in July and just finished reading ‘Prisoner’ a view weeks

For more information about this tour please visit the
tour page.

About the Book:

Trav Becker is a police detective with multiple lives. Or
to be more accurate, he’s a police detective who knows that multiple
versions of himself live in countless different streams of existence.
When another Trav Becker appears bleeding and dying at
his front door, Trav quickly realizes that something is dreadfully wrong
in the multiverse.
Pursued by an FBI profiler who believes (with some
justification) that Trav is hiding something, the detective races to save
two kidnapped girls while also trying to sort out why he keeps turning up
Desperate to preserve his home timeline, Trav is thrust
into a hidden war that threatens to destroy the very fabric of reality
Dennis Green returns to the universe he created in
“Traveler” for another mind­bending thriller.

Interview with Dennis W. Green:

How did the you come up with the idea of the Traveler
I’m a lifelong sci-fi and fantasy fan. Some of my
favorite books include Roger Zelazny’s Amber series, and the Harry Dresden
books. The movie “Frequency” influenced Traveler as well, with the protagonist
leading a crappy life at the beginning, and improving his situation at the end.
But the idea for how parallel universes work in the
Trav-verse dates back to when I was a radio personality hosting a daily DJ
shift. One day I’m doing my radio show, and I can’t find a CD. I was certain I
had gotten it from the rack on the wall, but it’s not in the stack where I
thought I put it. I look everywhere. Go through all the CDs, check back at wall
rack, everyplace. And I finally find it in a pile I looked through at least
three times.
I thought to myself, “What if, in looking for this CD, I
moved between two nearly identical parallel universes, but realities where I
had put the CD in different places?”
That was the genesis of Traveler, that those little
memory lapses and discontinuities where things don’t seem to be where we put
them, or our memories of things differ from others’ recollections, are actually
a result of us moving every day between the permeable walls of adjacent
parallel realities.
Can you describe your writing process? Do you have any
sort of ritual you follow?
I usually warm up by doing a light edit of the previous
session’s work. Sometimes, in fact, I will stop writing in the middle of a
sentence so when I pick up the next day, completing that sentence gets me
writing immediately, and not fretting about writer’s block.
The only ritual I have is that I don’t write at a desk. I
sit at a desk all day, that’s the last thing I want to do when I get home. I do
a lot of my writing in our piano room, which has a comfy couch and love seat,
with lots of natural light.
In the Traveler Chronicles the main character Trav
Becker is able to travel between parallel realities. Is this something that
fascinates you?
I’ve always been fascinated with how our choices create
our realities. What if I took this job or that job? What if my wife’s uncle
hadn’t gotten her an internship at the radio station where I worked and we
never met?
Most parallel reality stories talk about big stuff. What
if the South won the Civil War? What if the Nazis won WWII? What if our world
is but a shadow of the Real Earth. I love all these kind of stories. But with
Traveler, I wanted to tell the tale of someone whose journey between parallel
worlds mainly has to do with changes in his situation. It’s a smaller story,
but one that I enjoyed telling and that seems to resonate with readers.
The main character Trav Becker is a Police detective.
Did you do any research for this job? 
Not per se. I have friends who work or have worked in law
enforcement. One of my writing friends. Lennox Randon (Unabashed plug: check
out his Memoirs of
a Dead White Chick
), is a former cop, and I picked his brain a lot
to make the police stuff sound real.
The main thing I wanted to get across about law
enforcement work that most people don’t get from TV or books, is that your
average cop, even a plainclothes detective, has more in common with a
blue-collar shift worker than he or she may with an office worker.
What are your writing plans after the last book in the
Traveler Chronicles publishes in 2017?
I have a couple of projects in mind. One is a new twist
on the “immortals living among us” trope, tentatively titled “The Twelve.” The
other is a humorous thriller about the director of a broke theatre company who
accidentally gets confused with the leader of a black-ops spy ring, with action
and (hopefully) hilarity ensuing.
What do you love most about being an author?
Only everything! I love the writing process itself. I
love working with an editor and cover designer, and of course I love it when
people like my books!
What is the best thing about having your own book
Well, for the most part, see my answer to the previous
question. But, I recently had just about the best thing possible that could
ever happen to a writer. At a recent con, some fans of my book cosplayed one of
my characters! I don’t there is any higher compliment you can be paid as a
writer as when your work has such an impact on someone that they want to dress
as one of your characters.
What would your advice be to new aspiring authors?
Read, read, read. Read in the genre you want to write in.
Read outside of it. Read great books because that’s what you aspire to. Read
bad books so you can learn what not to do, and also to feel superior. 🙂
Every writer should read mysteries, because at its most
basic, every book is a mystery, revealing clues along the way as the characters
work to solve a problem, right a wrong, or just learn more about themselves.
Every writer needs to learn how to leave clues to the big reveal in such a way
that the reader is surprised by the callback, but also feels like you dealt
fairly with them.
Plus, I think that by reading voraciously, you absorb
good grammar and sentence construction automatically, whether you actually ever
take a writing course or not.

To read my review of ‘Traveler’ please go here, and to read my review of ‘Prisoner’ please go here.

About the Author:

Dennis Green’s first novel, the sci-fi detective
thriller, Traveler, ranked in the Top Ten in the 2014 Ben Franklin
Independent Publishing awards, and has a 4.9 review average on Amazon. The
second volume of The Traveler Chronicles Prisoner, has just been released.
Trav Becker’s saga concludes in the final volume of the
trilogy, Hunter, due in 2017. A popular radio personality in his native
Iowa, Dennis’s adventures as a DJ were covered by newspapers from
Anchorage to Los Angeles. He has also worked on the stage, TV, and
independent film.
Dennis’s writing has appeared in the anthology Sadistic
Shorts, magazines including Grift, and Romance and Beyond, as well as his
own blog at denniswgreen.com. By day, he is the general manager of Iowa’s
only jazz radio station, KCCK­FM. And if it’s 5:30 am, you can probably
find him in the pool, working out with the Milky Way Masters swim club.
For more information about Dennis W. Green and his book
please visit his Website, Blog, Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads


a Rafflecopter giveaway This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions