
I’m back from a week vacation doing nothing other than
read and be with my man. In my previous vacation’s I tried to keep my blog
going, and it was a little stressful because the internet was not always
working the way I needed it to.

So for this holiday I decided to take a little
break and do ‘nothing’..  at least no
blogging. Although I found it a little scary and strange in the beginning.. I
think it did me good to have a little blogging break. I have some new ideas and
definitely was able to catch up on some reading. 
Fréjus, France
But now I’m back and I’m ready to tell you guys all about
the books I read and what my thoughts were..
But first I need your help… Every once in a while you
need to look at yourself and think of how you could improve what you are doing.
As a Book Blogger I’m always trying to think of different things to do on my
blog.. Especially since it’s almost October and 2016 is not as far away
anymore. So that’s why I really want to know what you guys think of Maureen’s
Books and how you think I could improve myself? Help me out and answer these
questions for me! I really would appreciate the help. 😉 

Thank you for visiting Maureen’s Books! 
