


I’ve been a huge Nora Roberts for a while now. I just love everything she writes.  The books she has written under her own name or a pseudonym, it doesn’t matter I enjoy it all. So when I received an ARC of Hideaway I got super excited. And when I could I started reading asap. In ...KEEP READING »

Under Currents

Under Currents

I’m a big fan of Nora Roberts and her books. She has a way of writing that almost always make me like her books. So when I received an email with the question if I wanted to read her next new standalone novel ‘Under Currents’ I immediately said yes.

In ‘Under Currents’ we meet Zane and Darby. Both have had a hard, and violent past. And now they both live in North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains. Trying to forget the past, they aren’t looking for love. But somehow they found each other. Although their time together is beautiful and fun, there is violence following them around. And soon they have to fight for their lives.

This book is written in different parts. Starting when the main character Zane is in his teens, and ending in the part where he is a grown up working as a lawyer at his own practice. In the beginning this confused me a little. Time went by so fast in this book, that it made me wonder what the deal was and how this book was going to end. But instead of this being something that made me dislike this book, it made me want to keep on reading because I just wanted to know what was going to happen.

‘Under Currents’ is a hard book to put a genre on. It was thrilling, it was sad, there was romance. This book definitely made me want to keep on reading. There was just something about this book that made me want to read every single page. And the first part of this book was definitely hard to read. It put tears in my eyes, and I felt so many things. And that’s definitely a part of Nora Roberts charm and talent. She makes us readers feel all kinds of emotions.

Although this book sometimes felt like time went by a little too fast. I loved it! I loved the characters, and I loved the setting. There where many thrilling moments, and the romance was just beautiful. Yes, definitely another great read by Nora Roberts that kept me sitting on the edge of my seat.